Fee Schedule 2005
- 2006
Application Fee: |
$75 |
Must accompany the application and
is non- refundable. |
Registration Deposit: |
$500 |
Payable within a month of acceptance
into the program. This deposit is a sign
of commitment to the program, is non-refundable,
and counts toward tuition. |
Tuition less Registration Deposit: |
$15,425 |
$7,712.50 payable July 15, 2005 – 1st
semester and $7,712.50 payable
December 15, 2005 – 2nd
semester |
Housing: |
$4,500 |
$2,250 payable July 15, 2005 – 1st
semester and $2,250 payable December
15, 2005 – 2nd semester |
Total |
$20,500 |
Please Note: Wire transfers require
an additional $20 bank fee.