
A Sacred Space for Growing

ISL is an independent, not-for-profit corporation. Its purpose is to enhance in all persons the capacity for spiritual leadership essential to facilitating growth and transformation in people, of organizational systems, and of societal structures thereby promoting a more just, humane and sustainable world.

The Institute for Spiritual Leadership is one of the oldest centers in the world offering a course in personal spiritual growth and training in the art and skill of spiritual direction.

Today at ISL, we believe cultivating and enhancing spirituality is necessary for all leaders. Whether a person�s role is that of spiritual director, pastoral care provider, ministry leader, or leader of a family or a large organization, development of the capacity for spiritual leadership is essential.

Since its founding in 1974 by the theologian and psychologist Paul Robb, SJ, the Institute has been attended by more than 700 men and women, including religious, clergy and lay persons, coming from more than 40 countries and with backgrounds in a number of Christian traditions.

What is spirituality?

Why is spiritual growth important?

What is spiritual leadership?

What is spiritual direction?

What will I learn at ISL?

What is spirituality?

At ISL, we understand spirituality as the continued interior growth of persons toward what is most �true� for themselves in relation to self, others and God.

Why is spiritual growth important?

Along with psychological, physical and intellectual growth, spiritual growth is necessary for mature adults to relate to God, others and themselves in a healthy, loving and productive manner. Spiritual growth often happens through a process of change known as transformation that leads to greater self-awareness and compassion.

What is spiritual leadership?

ISL teaches that leadership is not in a role but a way of being with oneself and with others that leads toward positive action and influence in the world. At ISL, leadership development is not just about acquiring a set of principles and skills; it is about the learned art of spiritual and personal growth. Secondly, spiritual leadership is the ability to create environments that truly empower others to act from a place of greater authenticity and effectiveness.

What is spiritual direction?

In spiritual direction someone accompanies you on your spiritual journey toward growth and fulfillment, helping you to integrate your spiritual development into all aspects of your life. A spiritual director can assist you in developing your prayer life, aid you in articulating your life experiences, and assist you in learning to more effectively face difficulties or times of change in your life. ISL�s annual course in spiritual direction training is considered by many to be the best and only one of its kind in the world. Persons newly entering this ministry are helped at ISL to discern or strengthen their call.

What will I learn at ISL?

ISL�s approach to spiritual development centers on several core components, taught through experiential (�hands-on�) learning rather than traditional academic methods. Core components of the personal training are grounded in the Christian and other spiritual traditions and in modern psychology. They include the dynamics of personal transformation, symbol and spirituality, contemplative attitude, dreamwork, the Enneagram, and individual spiritual direction.

This interior work is balanced with attention to practical skills that help lead to a greater sense of confidence and more effective and productive action in the world. Core components of the practical training include communication skills, active imagination, and focusing. Interactive, small group sessions are supervised by staff members.

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