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Week of June 9 � 13
The Art of Supervision
This workshop is intended for experienced spiritual directors who are interested in training in supervision. The course will introduce methods of self-supervision as well as provide models for supervision of others. The need to balance consultation and supervision will be addressed as well as the ways the director influences the spiritual direction session. The course will include lecture, group process and experiential practice. Participants are asked to bring two verbatims or audio tapes.
Time: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Presenters: Lucy Abbott Tucker, MA, and Vicki Kilgarriff, MPS
Tuition: $550
Dream Stories/Life Stories
Dreams have much to tell us about the current and enduring condition of our internal world, our relationships, our unfinished business from the past, our hopes and visions for the future. They also can serve as spiritual guides since they give us hints about what we most value in life and how we make ultimate meaning. This workshop will provide didactic input on the process of dreaming, remembering and recording dreams, and dreams and spirituality. Exercises engaging mind, feelings and body also will give participants opportunity to work with their own dreams.
Time: 9:30 AM-12:00 PM
Presenter: Patricia Coughlin, OSB, DMin
Tuition: $350
Principles and Practice of Transformation
In this course we will discuss the seven principles of transformation through the lens of Robert Kegan, Ken Wilbur and our personal lived experience. Knowledge will be integrated with reflective periods and experiences for personal growth. These experiences will include imagery, journaling and other creative exercises. Please bring journals, art pads and craypas or other preferred color medium.
Time: 1:00-3:30 PM
Presenter: Patricia Irr, OSF, MPS
Tuition: $350
The Healing Art of Storytelling
And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us, says Saint John. To speak a true word is to transform the world, declares Paulo Freire. Women speak in a different voice, suggests Carol Gilligan. Each of these prophetic voices is directing us to understand the profound importance of language in the creation of the inhabited world. Without falling into the extremes of the deconstructionists, we must still grapple with the power of language to frame our very reality, including our spiritual lives. Moving between theories of language and the construction of reality, and the praxis of storytelling and reflection, we will locate and liberate the inner truth-telling voices of our own bodies and souls. Using the twin allies of silence (Deep Listening) and speech (True Speaking), we will strengthen our skills as spiritual leaders, mentors and pilgrims. The workshop will be about 25% instructional and 75% participatory.
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Presenter: Rebecca Armstrong
Tuition: $350
The Imago Model of Relationship
as a Pathway to More Effective Living and Relating
This course will introduce participants to the Imago theory and practice of effective communicating and relating. Participants will become familiar with key concepts; will learn a mode of understanding self and others, and in the process be able to communicate clearly and effectively. Integration of Imago concepts enables authentic, richer relationships with self and others.
Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Presenter: Mary Butler, DMin, LCPC, CIRT
Tuition: $350
Week of June 16 - 20
Aikido: The Body-Mind Connections
This workshop will focus on the mind/body connection using the basic principles of Aikido, a Japanese martial art whose main emphasis is on neutralizing negative energy. During our time together, we will practice the fundamentals of this dynamic art, learning how to roll, move, breathe, and respond to situations without freezing up. While there is indeed physical participation, we will be learning at a gentle pace, so almost everyone can do the work. In addition, we will have time to reflect on our experience and discover ways in which to take these principles into our everyday life. The presenter is third degree black belt (Sandan) in Aikido and is a certified instructor.
Time: 9:30 AM-12:00 PM
Presenter: Dianne Costanzo, PhD
Tuition: $350
Discernment as a Way of Life
Discernment is more than an individual decision; it is a way of life. This course will explore how to engage life in a discerning manner. Ignatian principles of discernment and feminist perspectives on relationality will be examined. Each person will be invited to look at his/her own life in relationship to these principles and perspectives. The goal of the workshop is to introduce people to a way of living that involves an attentive presence to the inner stirrings of God and how these stirrings may be a guide to live faithfully. The format will include presentations, group and individual exercises, personal reflection time and sharing.
Time: 9:30 AM-12:00 PM
Presenter: Jo Giarrante, MDiv
Tuition: $350
Finding Your Voice: A Journaling Workshop
Within this workshop, participants will examine what prevents them from speaking or living their truth. What are the personal, cultural, religious messages that often act as obstacles to getting to the Word, the truth within ourselves? How can we find a way to that Word and give it voice? In our quest for finding our voice, we shall use journaling as a tool of active imagination; we shall also use Scripture, group sharing and ritual to help us find, claim and honor our collective work.
Time: 1:00-3:30 PM
Presenter: Dianne Costanzo, PhD
Tuition: $350
Re-introducing God:
Sensuous Explorations of Biblical Imagery for the Divine
While insisting that we cannot fully know God, the Bible provides numerous, multi-faceted glimpses of the Divine. We can appreciate anew these perceptions if we receive them with our entire body. This interactive class will engage the five senses in exploring divinity as artist, fire, helper, wind, jester, tree, womb, arm, eros and wisdom. Please bring your Bible, an art pad and colors.
Time: 1:00-3:30 PM
Presenter: David Schimmel, MDiv, MA
Tuition: $350
Discovering Art as an Avenue to Spirituality
This workshop will introduce art as a guide for the inner journey. A variety of art forms will be used: mandalas, body prayer, clay, poetry and water colors. These opportunities facilitate the wisdom of the right side of the brain. No previous experience is necessary. A materials fee of $5.00 is required.
Time: 4:00-6:30 PM
Presenter: Christella Carbaugh, SLW, MEd, MPS
Tuition: $350 plus Materials Fee
Experiences with Ritual
A good ritual speaks directly to the soul promoting healing, transformation and even revelation. By engaging the senses through the artful use of symbolic language, the deep messages of the spirit avoid the habituated defenses of cognition, enabling the mind to be touched in powerful new ways. Experience how image, sound, metaphor and the elements can be used to enhance your ministry and/or spiritual quest.
Time: 6:30-9:00 PM
Presenter: Rebecca Armstrong
Tuition: $350
Introducing Sunday Evenings at ISL�
(Free will donation at door)
June 8
Spiritual Healing: A Phenomenon of the Ages
Jesus revealed God�s love for us by using God�s Spirit to heal all kinds of ailments and infirmities. The early Christians recognized and embraced spiritual healing as a gift from God. By the end of the first millenium, however, use of this gift in the Western Church had all but faded away. In the past fifty years, there has been a rapidly growing resurgence of spiritual healing, particularly with prayer. Physicians and clergy are now acknowledging that our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves are intimately linked.
A medical doctor and an ordained minister, Dr. Busby empowers spiritual leaders to see the connections in the interface between medicine and theology, not only in the area of spiritual healing, but also in clinical ethics and end of life care.
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Presenter: Rev. Dr. Douglas Busby, MD, Mdiv
June 15
The Body Re-membered: Healing and Transformation of Trauma
Trauma has the potential to be one of the most significant forces for psychological, social and spiritual awakening in our lives. How we handle trauma will greatly influence the transformative quality of life and consequently lead to greater inner freedom and inner healing.
During this presentation, we will explore how the body is impacted by trauma and its central role in healing and transformation. Emphasis will be given to the ways that we hold trauma in our bodies and techniques that can release this blocked energy.
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Presenter: Desmond Raftery, MPS, LCSW
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