“Listen to your life. See it
for the fathomless mystery that it is…All
moments are key moments and life itself
is grace .”
Frederick Buechner
What is ‘spirituality’?
involves an understanding of your personal
relationship with God*, yourself and the
cosmos. The focus of spiritual direction
is the exploration and deepening of these
Every human person has spirituality. It
is present in the experiences of your life.
This experiential level of spirituality embraces
you as a whole human person who is part of
a constantly changing creation. Often, however,
the word, spirituality, is used to describe
a particular method of seeking and developing
a deeper relationship with God*, yourself
and the cosmos.
Although spirituality as a lived experience
must be personal, it doesn’t happen
in isolation. You were introduced into a
particular social and cultural spirituality.
This includes the formulation of teaching,
the development of symbols, rituals, artistic
or other expressions, as well as guidance
about your lived reality and how it can be
deepened. Sometimes it includes the life,
example and/or teaching of an outstanding
A variety of spiritualities will continue
to arise as human beings continue to wonder
about the mysterious dimension of reality.
What is spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is an ongoing conversation
between a trained director and a person seeking
self knowledge and an understanding of what
the spirit invites that person to do with
his/her life. This is accomplished through
regular private meetings in which you, as
the seeker, are invited to relate and embrace
your life experiences, both conscious and
unconscious; to recognize the movement of
God in these events; and to respond in a
way that leads to greater compassion, freedom
and mission. The ultimate goal is for you
to gain a conscious awareness of and participation
in the ongoing dialogue with God that gives
meaning to life.
The basis for the traditional understanding
of spiritual direction is an appreciation
of human freedom and the natural attraction
toward God* inherent in all of life.
The purpose of spiritual direction :
- Growth in self knowledge
- by bringing to the surface the abiding
tendencies/ dispositions of your heart,
- Discernment –of
what you are called to do through the art
and gift of recognizing the movement of
God* in your life,
- Invitation – to
respond to God’s* movement in ways
that are healing, just and reconciling
for all creation.
Persons offering to guide others on
the spiritual journey traditionally were
called spiritual directors; today other
terms may be used, such as “spiritual
guide” or “companion ”.
goals of spiritual direction:
- To integrate both the conscious and
unconscious elements of your life – which
leads to greater compassion, freedom and
- To make conscious the ongoing dialogue
with God* that gives meaning to life.
happens in a spiritual direction session?
In formal spiritual direction, you usually
will meet with a director monthly for about
an hour. The director provides a safe environment
for you to share your story. During your
time together the director will accompany
you on your journey by:
- Companioning you in articulating your
- Facilitating the integration of all
aspects of your life experience
- Assisting you to speak your God* experience
In a preliminary meeting or in your
first meeting with a spiritual director,
information will be sought as to what you
desire in spiritual direction and fees
will be discussed .
you might seek spiritual direction:
You may seek out direction from a person
trained to journey with you as a spiritual
practice which supports your faith life in
an ongoing way.
You may be experiencing ordinary life transitions
that are so confusing and pain-filled that
you feel you’re losing direction. The
death of a loved one, job loss, divorce,
chronic illness etc. – any of these
may cause you to question the meaning of
life and yearn for hope. Spiritual direction
is often sought in such times of crisis.
You may be struggling to believe that God*
awaits you, ever present,
and not only in your prayer times or when
you are on your best behavior. In spiritual
direction you will become aware of the reality
of God* present in all aspects of your life.
Spiritual direction is an open-ended
process that seeks to call forth your own
inner wisdom in order to be attentive to
the spiritual journey. This is a lifelong
* Divine Presence/Mystery, Holy Other, Higher Power, Spirit or What is life giving.